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    Data Controller: CIVITATIS TOURS, S.L. (CIVITATIS) Purpose: To address the user’s inquiry, request, procedure, or application. Rights: Subject to legal conditions, you may access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as limit its processing, object to it, and request portability. Additional Information: For more details on Data Protection, see the Privacy Policy -

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    This site is reCAPTCHA protected and Google's privacy policy and terms of service apply.


    Data Controller: CIVITATIS TOURS, S.L. (CIVITATIS) Purpose: To address the user’s inquiry, request, procedure, or application. Rights: Subject to legal conditions, you may access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as limit its processing, object to it, and request portability. Additional Information: For more details on Data Protection, see the Privacy Policy -

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    This site is reCAPTCHA protected and Google's privacy policy and terms of service apply.


    Data Controller: CIVITATIS TOURS, S.L. (CIVITATIS) Purpose: To address the user’s inquiry, request, procedure, or application. Rights: Subject to legal conditions, you may access, rectify, and delete your data, as well as limit its processing, object to it, and request portability. Additional Information: For more details on Data Protection, see the Privacy Policy -

Other customer service channels
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Telegram (Only messages)
7 days a week:
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Can't find your booking reference?
The booking reference can be found in the confirmation email, which should be in your inbox.

We have received your request correctly.

You will receive an email with a summary of your bookings.

Can't find it? Leave us your email and we'll send you a summary of your bookings.

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